The Hoodnic

There was no good reason to do this, but it was one of the best things I’ve done.
The #MtHood Picnic, or the #Hoodnic: Start at Hood River, Oregon. Swim .9 miles across the Columbia River, then swim back. Bike 35 miles with ski gear to Mt. Hood and hike 6 miles to the 11,250 foot summit. Ski, walk, and bike back to the Columbia.

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The Second Swim

You stand on the lakeshore, depleted. You’ve already biked from town, swam the lake, climbed the mountain and returned to the lake. To finish the deal you have to swim back then pedal home. There are hours more to go, and you’ve already been on the move for 20, maybe more. You’re pretty much completely over it, and won’t be doing this again.

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